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Saturday, May 5, 2012

How To Read An AWR Report ?

Prerequisites for awrreport.

Statistics level should be set to typical.
Timed statistics should also be enabled.

SQL> show parameter statistics_level 
NAME                                 TYPE     VALUE 
------------------------------------ -------- ------------------------------ 
statistics_level                     string   TYPICAL


STATISTICS_NAME                                                  ACTIVAT SYSTEM_S
---------------------------------------------------------------- ------- --------
Buffer Cache Advice                                              TYPICAL ENABLED
MTTR Advice                                                      TYPICAL ENABLED
Timed Statistics                                                 TYPICAL ENABLED
Timed OS Statistics                                              ALL     DISABLED
Segment Level Statistics                                         TYPICAL ENABLED
PGA Advice                                                       TYPICAL ENABLED
Plan Execution Statistics                                        ALL     DISABLED
Shared Pool Advice                                               TYPICAL ENABLED
Modification Monitoring                                          TYPICAL ENABLED
Longops Statistics                                               TYPICAL ENABLED
Bind Data Capture                                                TYPICAL ENABLED
Ultrafast Latch Statistics                                       TYPICAL ENABLED
Threshold-based Alerts                                           TYPICAL ENABLED
Global Cache Statistics                                          TYPICAL ENABLED
Active Session History                                           TYPICAL ENABLED
Undo Advisor, Alerts and Fast Ramp up                            TYPICAL ENABLED
Streams Pool Advice                                              TYPICAL ENABLED
Time Model Events                                                TYPICAL ENABLED
Plan Execution Sampling                                          TYPICAL ENABLED
Automated Maintenance Tasks                                      TYPICAL ENABLED
SQL Monitoring                                                   TYPICAL ENABLED
Adaptive Thresholds Enabled                                      TYPICAL ENABLED
V$IOSTAT_* statistics                                            TYPICAL ENABLED

The Header

The header basically gives you a Bird’s-eye view information on the database.


DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
------------ ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- ------------
DDOG          1373267642 DDOG2               2  YES lefty

              Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
            --------- ------------------- -------- ---------
Begin Snap:      2009 09-Jan-07 09:00:12        40       3.7
  End Snap:      2010 09-Jan-07 10:00:19        39       2.8
   Elapsed:               60.12 (mins)
   DB Time:                0.09 (mins)

Cache Sizes
~~~~~~~~~~~                       Begin        End
                             ---------- ----------
               Buffer Cache:       528M       528M  Std Block Size:         8K
           Shared Pool Size:       480M       480M      Log Buffer:    15,152K

Elasped Time: It represents the snapshot window or the time between the two snapshots.
DB TIME: Represents the activity on the database.

If DB TIME is Greater than Elapsed Time then it means that database has high workload.

Load Profile

Meaning of various terms.

•Redo size – Indicates the amount of DML  activity happening in the database. 
•Logical and physical reads – Represents number of IO's (Physical and logical) that the
 database is performing.  
•User calls - Indicates how many user calls have occurred during the snapshot period.
 This value can give you some indication if usage has increased. 
•Parses and hard parses - Provides an indication of the efficiency of SQL re-usage.  
•Sorts - Number of sorts occurring in the database. 
•Logons – Number of logins which occurred in the database. 
•Executes – Number of SQL statements which were executed. 
•Transactions - Indicates how many transactions occurred during the snapshot period.

Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction
                                   ---------------       ---------------
                  Redo size:                209.78              1,014.29
              Logical reads:                 20.14                 97.38
              Block changes:                  0.50                  2.42
             Physical reads:                  0.00                  0.01
            Physical writes:                  0.10                  0.49
                 User calls:                  1.05                  5.08
                     Parses:                  0.39                  1.86
                Hard parses:                  0.00                  0.01
                      Sorts:                  0.52                  2.53
                     Logons:                  0.02                  0.12
                   Executes:                  0.95                  4.61
               Transactions:                  0.21

  % Blocks changed per Read:    2.49    Recursive Call %:    84.53
 Rollback per transaction %:   97.45       Rows per Sort:    41.43

The percentage of soft parses should always be higher than hard parses.
Possible reasons for excessive hard parses may be a small shared pool
Or may be that bind variables are not being used.

Instance Efficiency

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
            Buffer Nowait %:   99.98       Redo NoWait %:  100.00
            Buffer  Hit   %:  100.00    In-memory Sort %:  100.00
            Library Hit   %:   99.64        Soft Parse %:   99.64
         Execute to Parse %:   59.60         Latch Hit %:  100.00
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:  130.00     % Non-Parse CPU:   96.30

 Shared Pool Statistics        Begin    End
                              ------  ------
             Memory Usage %:   87.98   87.97
    % SQL with executions>1:   97.83   97.86
  % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   85.54   85.52

The following ratios should be above 90% in a database.

Buffer Nowait
Buffer  Hit   
Library Hit
Redo NoWait 
In-memory Sort 
Soft Parse 
Latch Hit 
Non-Parse CPU

The execute to parse ratio should be very high in a ideal database.

The execute to parse ratio is basically a measure between the number
Of times a sql is executed versus the number of times it is parsed.

The ratio will move higher as the number of executes go up, while
The number of parses either go down or remain the same.

The ratio will be close to zero if the number of executes and parses
Are almost equal.

The ratio will be negative executes are lower but the parses are higher.

% SQL with executions>1 value should also be high, a low value could mean that
The database is not using shared SQL statements which in turn could mean that
Bind variables are not being used.

Top 5 Timed Events

Top 5 Timed Events                                         Avg %Total
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                        wait   Call
Event                                 Waits    Time (s)   (ms)   Time Wait Class
------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------
control file parallel write           1,220          18     15  331.7 System I/O
control file sequential read          6,508           6      1  110.9 System I/O
CPU time                                              4          64.4
CGS wait for IPC msg                422,253           1      0   20.9      Other
change tracking file synchrono           60           1     13   14.4      Other

In an ideal database CPU and I/O should be the top wait events.
If there are events like TX – row lock contention, Latch Free then that
means there is contention in your database. If there is a high log file sync
event then check why is it happening. A possible solution for this problem is
to increase the size of the redo log buffer and to move your Logfiles to a storage
system where Disk I/O capacity is high.
Also, The db file sequential read(which means index reads) should be higher as
compared to db file scattered read(which means full table scans).

RAC Statistics

If you are running on a RAC cluster, then the AWRRPT.SQL report will provide various
RAC statistics including statistics on the number of RAC instances, as well as global
cache and enqueue related performance statistics. Here is an example of the RAC statistics
part of the report:

RAC Statistics  DB/Inst: A109/a1092  Snaps: 2009-2010

                                Begin   End
                                ----- -----
           Number of Instances:     2     2

Global Cache Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                  Per Second       Per Transaction
                                      ---------------       ---------------
  Global Cache blocks received:                  0.11                  0.52
    Global Cache blocks served:                  0.14                  0.68
     GCS/GES messages received:                  0.88                  4.23
         GCS/GES messages sent:                  0.85                  4.12
            DBWR Fusion writes:                  0.01                  0.04
 Estd Interconnect traffic (KB)                  2.31

Global Cache Efficiency Percentages (Target local+remote 100%)
Buffer access -  local cache %:   99.47
Buffer access - remote cache %:    0.53
Buffer access -         disk %:    0.00

Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Workload Characteristics
                     Avg global enqueue get time (ms):      0.0

          Avg global cache cr block receive time (ms):      0.2
     Avg global cache current block receive time (ms):      0.3

            Avg global cache cr block build time (ms):      0.0
             Avg global cache cr block send time (ms):      0.0
      Global cache log flushes for cr blocks served %:      1.8
            Avg global cache cr block flush time (ms):      4.0

         Avg global cache current block pin time (ms):      0.0
        Avg global cache current block send time (ms):      0.1
 Global cache log flushes for current blocks served %:      0.4
       Avg global cache current block flush time (ms):      0.0

Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Messaging Statistics
                     Avg message sent queue time (ms): ########
             Avg message sent queue time on ksxp (ms):      0.1
                 Avg message received queue time (ms):      4.6
                    Avg GCS message process time (ms):      0.0
                    Avg GES message process time (ms):      0.0

                            % of direct sent messages:    45.26
                          % of indirect sent messages:    31.59
                        % of flow controlled messages:    23.15

From the perspective of performance tuning the amount of block transfer
across the interconnect should be low in comparison to localized access.
This can be seen in the "Global Cache Efficiency Percentages" section.

In the "Global Cache and Enqueue Services" the upper limit for
Avg global cache cr block receive time should be 4 and
Avg global cache current block receive time should be 8.

Time Model Statistics

Time related statistics presents the various operations which are consuming most of the database time.

Time Model Statistics                   DB/Inst: A109/a1092  Snaps: 2009-2010
-> Total time in database user-calls (DB Time): 5.5s
-> Statistics including the word "background" measure background process
   time, and so do not contribute to the DB time statistic
-> Ordered by % or DB time desc, Statistic name

Statistic Name                                       Time (s) % of DB Time
------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------
sql execute elapsed time                                  4.5         82.8
DB CPU                                                    3.5         64.4
connection management call elapsed time                   0.1          1.6
parse time elapsed                                        0.1          1.3
PL/SQL execution elapsed time                             0.0           .9
hard parse elapsed time                                   0.0           .3
sequence load elapsed time                                0.0           .1
repeated bind elapsed time                                0.0           .0
DB time                                                   5.5          N/A
background elapsed time                                  33.0          N/A
background cpu time                                       9.7          N/A

If Hard parses or parsing time is very high then further investigation
should be done to resolve the problem. 

Wait class and Wait Event Statistics

Closely associated with the time model section of the report are the wait class and wait
event statistics sections. Within Oracle, the duration of a large number of operations 
(e.g. Writing to disk or to the control file) is metered. These are known as wait events,
because each of these operations requires the system to wait for the event to complete. 
Thus, the execution of some database operation (e.g. a SQL query) will have a number of
wait events associated with it. We can try to determine which wait events are causing us
problems by looking at the wait classes and the wait event reports generated from AWR.
Wait classes define "buckets" that allow for summation of various wait times. Each wait 
event is assigned to one of these buckets (for example System I/O or User I/O). These buckets
allow one to quickly determine which subsystem is likely suspect in performance problems 
(e.g. the network, or the cluster). Here is an example of the wait class report section:

Wait Class                               DB/Inst: A109/a1092  Snaps: 2009-2010
-> s  - second
-> cs - centisecond -     100th of a second
-> ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second
-> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc

                                       %Time       Total Wait    wait     Waits
Wait Class                      Waits  -outs         Time (s)    (ms)      /txn
-------------------- ---------------- ------ ---------------- ------- ---------
System I/O                      8,142     .0               25       3      10.9
Other                         439,596   99.6                3       0     589.3
User I/O                          112     .0                0       3       0.2
Cluster                           443     .0                0       0       0.6
Concurrency                       216     .0                0       0       0.3
Commit                             16     .0                0       2       0.0
Network                         3,526     .0                0       0       4.7
Application                        13     .0                0       0       0.0

In this report the system I/O wait class has the largest number of waits (total of 25 seconds)
and an average wait of 3 milliseconds. 

Wait events are normal occurrences, but if a particular sub-system is having a problem 
performing (e.g. the disk sub-system) this fact will appear in the form of one or more 
wait events with an excessive duration. The wait event report then provides some insight 
into the detailed wait events. Here is an example of the wait event report (we have 
eliminated some of the bulk of this report, because it can get quite long). Note that 
this section is sorted by wait time (listed in microseconds).

                                             %Time  Total Wait    wait     Waits
Event                                 Waits  -outs    Time (s)    (ms)      /txn
---------------------------- -------------- ------ ----------- ------- ---------
control file parallel write           1,220     .0          18      15       1.6
control file sequential read          6,508     .0           6       1       8.7
CGS wait for IPC msg                422,253  100.0           1       0     566.0
change tracking file synchro             60     .0           1      13       0.1
db file parallel write                  291     .0           0       1       0.4
db file sequential read                  90     .0           0       4       0.1
reliable message                        136     .0           0       1       0.2
log file parallel write                 106     .0           0       2       0.1
lms flush message acks                    1     .0           0      60       0.0
gc current block 2-way                  200     .0           0       0       0.3
change tracking file synchro             59     .0           0       1       0.1

In this example our control file parallel write waits (which occurs during writes to the 
control file) are taking up 18 seconds total, with an average wait of 15 milliseconds per 
wait. Additionally we can see that we have 1.6 waits per transaction (or 15ms * 1.6 per transaction = 24ms).

Operating System Statistics
This part of the report provides some basic insight into OS performance, and OS configuration 
too. This report may vary depending on the OS platform that your database is running on. 
Here is an example from a Linux system:

Statistic                                       Total
-------------------------------- --------------------
BUSY_TIME                                     128,749
IDLE_TIME                                   1,314,287
IOWAIT_TIME                                    18,394
NICE_TIME                                          54
SYS_TIME                                       31,633
USER_TIME                                      96,586
LOAD                                                0
RSRC_MGR_CPU_WAIT_TIME                              0
PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES                       3,349,528
NUM_CPUS                                            4

In this example output, for example, we have 4 CPU's on the box.

SQL In Need of Tuning
Next in the report we find several different reports that present SQL statements that 
might be improved by tuning. There are a number of different reports that sort offending 

SQL statements by the following criteria:

•Elapsed time
•CPU time
•Buffer gets
•Physical reads
•Parse calls
•Sharable memory
•Version count
•Cluster wait time

While these reports might not help tune specific application problems, they can help you 
find more systemic SQL problems that you might not find when tuning a specific application 
module. Here is an example of the Buffer gets report:

                                Gets              CPU     Elapsed
  Buffer Gets   Executions    per Exec   %Total Time (s)  Time (s)    SQL Id
-------------- ------------ ------------ ------ -------- --------- -------------
         2,163            7        309.0    3.0     0.03      0.04 c7sn076yz7030
select smontabv.cnt, smontab.time_mp, smontab.scn, smontab.num_mappings, smon
tab.tim_scn_map, smontab.orig_thread from smon_scn_time smontab, (sel
ect max(scn) scnmax, count(*)+sum(NVL2(TIM_SCN_MAP,NUM_MAPPINGS,
0)) cnt from smon_scn_time where thread=0) smontabv where smon

         1,442          721          2.0    2.0     0.05      0.05 6ssrk2dqj7jbx
select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ where (((:1 <= next_date) and (n
ext_date <= :2)) or ((last_date is null) and (next_date < :3))) and (field1
= :4 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :5)) and (this_date is null) order by next_date, j

         1,348            1      1,348.0    1.9     0.04      0.04 bv1djzzmk9bv6
Module: TOAD
Select table_name from DBA_TABLES where owner = 'CDOL2_01' order by 1

         1,227            1      1,227.0    1.7     0.07      0.08 d92h3rjp0y217
begin prvt_hdm.auto_execute( :db_id, :inst_id, :end_snap ); end;

           896            4        224.0    1.2     0.03      0.03 6hszmvz1wjhbt
Module: TOAD
Select distinct Cons.constraint_name, cons.status, cons.table_name, cons.constra
int_type ,cons.last_change from sys.user_constraints cons where 1=1 a
nd cons.status='DISABLED'

In this report we find a SQL statement that seems to be churning through 309 buffers per execution. 
While the execution times are not terrible we might want to look closer into the SQL statement 
and try to see if we could tune it (in fact this is Oracle issued SQL that we would not tune anyway).

Instance Activity Stats

This section provides us with a number of various statistics (such as, how many DBWR Checkpoints 
occurred, or how many consistent gets occurred during the snapshot). Here is a partial example of the report:

Statistic                                     Total     per Second     per Trans
-------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- -------------
consistent changes                                9            0.0           0.0
consistent gets                              70,445           19.5          94.4
consistent gets - examination                 8,728            2.4          11.7
consistent gets direct                            0            0.0           0.0
consistent gets from cache                   70,445           19.5          94.4
cursor authentications                            2            0.0           0.0
data blocks consistent reads - u                  5            0.0           0.0
db block changes                              1,809            0.5           2.4
db block gets                                 2,197            0.6           3.0
db block gets direct                              0            0.0           0.0
db block gets from cache                      2,033            0.6           2.7

Tablespace and Data File IO Stats

The tablespace and data file IO stats report provides information on tablespace IO performance. 
From this report you can determine if the tablespace datafiles are suffering from sub-standard 
performance in terms of IO response from the disk sub-system. Here is a partial example of the 
tablespace report:

                 Av      Av     Av                       Av     Buffer Av Buf
         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
             1       0    0.0     1.0          159        0         13    0.8
             1       0   10.0     1.0           98        0          0    0.0
             1       0   10.0     1.0           46        0          0    0.0
             1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0

If the tablespace IO report seems to indicate a tablespace has IO problems, we can then use the 
file IO stat report allows us to drill into the datafiles of the tablespace in question and 
determine what the problem might be. Here is an example of the File IO stat report:

Tablespace               Filename
------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
                 Av      Av     Av                       Av     Buffer Av Buf
         Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
AUD                      +ASM01/a109/datafile/aud.296.604081931
             1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
CDOL2_INDEX              +ASM01/a109/datafile/cdol2_index_001.dbf
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
CDOL_DATA                +ASM01/a109/datafile/cdol_data_001.dbf
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
DBA_DEF                  +ASM01/a109/datafile/dba_def.294.604081931
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
SYSAUX                   +ASM01/a109/datafile/sysaux.299.604081927
             1       0    0.0     1.0          159        0         13    0.8
SYSTEM                   +ASM01/a109/datafile/system.301.604081919
             1       0   10.0     1.0           46        0          0    0.0
UNDOTBS1                 +ASM01/a109/datafile/undotbs1.300.604081925
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
UNDOTBS2                 +ASM01/a109/datafile/undotbs2.292.604081931
             1       0   10.0     1.0           98        0          0    0.0
USERS                    +ASM01/a109/datafile/users.303.604081933
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
USER_DEF                 +ASM01/a109/datafile/user_def.291.604081933
             1       0   10.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0

Buffer Pool Statistics

The buffer pool statistics report follows. It provides a summary of the buffer pool 
configuration and usage statistics as seen in this example:

                                                            Free Writ     Buffer
     Number of Pool         Buffer     Physical    Physical Buff Comp       Busy
P      Buffers Hit%           Gets        Reads      Writes Wait Wait      Waits
--- ---------- ---- -------------- ------------ ----------- ---- ---- ----------
D       64,548  100         72,465            0         355    0    0         13

In this case, we have a database where all the buffer pool requests came out of the buffer 
pool and no physical reads were required. We also see a few (probably very insignificant in 
our case) buffer busy waits.

Instance Recovery Stats

The instance recovery stats report provides information related to instance recovery. By analyzing 
this report, you can determine roughly how long your database would have required to perform 
crash recovery during the reporting period. Here is an example of this report:

-> B: Begin snapshot,  E: End snapshot

  Targt  Estd                                  Log File Log Ckpt     Log Ckpt
  MTTR   MTTR   Recovery  Actual    Target       Size    Timeout     Interval
   (s)    (s)   Estd IOs Redo Blks Redo Blks  Redo Blks Redo Blks   Redo Blks
- ----- ----- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- ------------
B     0    19        196       575       183      92160       183          N/A
E     0    19        186       258        96      92160        96          N/A

Buffer Pool Advisory

The buffer pool advisory report answers the question, how big should you make your database 
buffer cache. It provides an extrapolation of the benefit or detriment that would result if 
you added or removed memory from the database buffer cache. These estimates are based on 
the current size of the buffer cache and the number of logical and physical IO's encountered 
during the reporting point. This report can be very helpful in "rightsizing" your buffer cache. 
Here is an example of the output of this report:

    Size for   Size      Buffers for   Read          Estimated
P    Est (M) Factor         Estimate Factor     Physical Reads
--- -------- ------ ---------------- ------ ------------------
D         48     .1            5,868    4.9            803,496
D         96     .2           11,736    4.0            669,078
D        144     .3           17,604    3.3            550,831
D        192     .4           23,472    2.8            462,645
D        240     .5           29,340    2.3            379,106
D        288     .5           35,208    1.8            305,342
D        336     .6           41,076    1.4            238,729
D        384     .7           46,944    1.2            200,012
D        432     .8           52,812    1.1            183,694
D        480     .9           58,680    1.0            172,961
D        528    1.0           64,548    1.0            165,649
D        576    1.1           70,416    1.0            161,771
D        624    1.2           76,284    1.0            159,728
D        672    1.3           82,152    1.0            158,502
D        720    1.4           88,020    1.0            157,723
D        768    1.5           93,888    0.9            157,124
D        816    1.5           99,756    0.9            156,874
D        864    1.6          105,624    0.9            156,525
D        912    1.7          111,492    0.9            156,393
D        960    1.8          117,360    0.9            155,388

In this example we currently have 528GB allocated to the SGA (represented by the size 
factor column with a value of 1.0. It appears that if we were to reduce the memory allocated 
to the SGA to half of the size of the current SGA (freeing the memory to the OS for other processes) 
we would incur an increase of about 1.8 times the number of physical IO's in the process.

PGA Reports

The PGA reports provide some insight into the health of the PGA. The PGA Aggr Target Stats report
provides information on the configuration of the PGA Aggregate Target parameter during the 
reporting period. 

The PGA Aggregate Target Histogram report provides information on the size of various operations 
(e.g. sorts). It will indicate if PGA sort operations occurred completely in memory, or if some 
of those operations were written out to disk. 

Finally the PGA Memory Advisor, much like the buffer pool advisory report, provides some insight 
into how to properly size your PGA via the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET database parameter. The PGA Memory 
Advisor report is shown here:

                                       Estd Extra    Estd PGA   Estd PGA
PGA Target    Size           W/A MB   W/A MB Read/      Cache  Overalloc
  Est (MB)   Factr        Processed Written to Disk     Hit %      Count
---------- ------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- ----------
        44     0.1        289,899.2          7,844.9     97.0      1,124
        88     0.3        289,899.2          7,576.9     97.0      1,073
       176     0.5        289,899.2              3.3    100.0          0
       263     0.8        289,899.2              3.3    100.0          0
       351     1.0        289,899.2              3.3    100.0          0
       421     1.2        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0
       491     1.4        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0
       562     1.6        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0
       632     1.8        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0
       702     2.0        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0
     1,053     3.0        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0
     1,404     4.0        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0
     2,106     6.0        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0
     2,808     8.0        289,899.2              0.0    100.0          0

Shared Pool Advisory

The shared pool advisory report provides assistance in right sizing the Oracle shared pool. 
Much like the PGA Memory Advisor or the Buffer Pool advisory report, it provides some insight 
into what would happen should you add or remove memory from the shared pool. This can help 
you reclaim much needed memory if you have over allocated the shared pool, and can significantly 
improve performance if you have not allocated enough memory to the shared pool. Here is an 
example of the shared pool advisory report:

                                        Est LC Est LC  Est LC Est LC
    Shared    SP   Est LC                 Time   Time    Load   Load      Est LC
      Pool  Size     Size       Est LC   Saved  Saved    Time   Time         Mem
   Size(M) Factr      (M)      Mem Obj     (s)  Factr     (s)  Factr    Obj Hits
---------- ----- -------- ------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -----------
       192    .4       54        3,044 #######     .8 #######  382.1  22,444,274
       240    .5       92        5,495 #######     .9 #######  223.7  22,502,102
       288    .6      139        8,122 #######     .9  53,711  102.5  22,541,782
       336    .7      186       12,988 #######    1.0  17,597   33.6  22,562,084
       384    .8      233       17,422 #######    1.0   7,368   14.1  22,569,402
       432    .9      280       23,906 #######    1.0   3,553    6.8  22,571,902
       480   1.0      327       28,605 #######    1.0     524    1.0  22,573,396
       528   1.1      374       35,282 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,574,164
       576   1.2      421       40,835 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,574,675
       624   1.3      468       46,682 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,575,055
       672   1.4      515       52,252 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,575,256
       720   1.5      562       58,181 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,575,422
       768   1.6      609       64,380 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,575,545
       816   1.7      656       69,832 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,575,620
       864   1.8      703       75,168 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,575,668
       912   1.9      750       78,993 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,575,695
       960   2.0      797       82,209 #######    1.0       1     .0  22,575,719

SGA Target Advisory

The SGA target advisory report is somewhat of a summation of all the advisory reports previously 
presented in the AWR report. It helps you determine the impact of changing the settings of the 
SGA target size in terms of overall database performance. The report uses a value called DB Time 
as a measure of the increase or decrease in performance relative to the memory change made. Also 
the report will summarize an estimate of physical reads associated with the listed setting for 
the SGA. Here is an example of the SGA target advisory report:

SGA Target   SGA Size       Est DB     Est Physical
  Size (M)     Factor     Time (s)            Reads
---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------
       528        0.5       25,595          769,539
       792        0.8       20,053          443,095
     1,056        1.0       18,443          165,649
     1,320        1.3       18,354          150,476
     1,584        1.5       18,345          148,819
     1,848        1.8       18,345          148,819
     2,112        2.0       18,345          148,819

In this example, our SGA Target size is currently set at 1056MB. We can see from this report that 
if we increased the SGA target size to 2112MB, we would see almost no performance improvement 
(about a 98 second improvement overall). In this case, we may determine that adding so much 
memory to the database is not cost effective, and that the memory can be better used elsewhere.

Memory Advisory

Memory advisory reports for the streams pool and the java pool also appear in the report 
(assuming you are using the streams pool). These reports take on the same general format as 
the other memory advisor reports.

Buffer Wait Statistics

The buffer wait statistics report helps you drill down on specific buffer wait events, and where 
the waits are occurring. In the following report we find that the 13 buffer busy waits we saw in 
the buffer pool statistics report earlier are attributed to data block waits. We might then want 
to pursue tuning remedies to these waits if the waits are significant enough. Here is an example 
of the buffer wait statistics report:

Class                    Waits Total Wait Time (s)  Avg Time (ms)
------------------ ----------- ------------------- --------------
data block                  13                   0              1

Enqueue Activity

The Enqueue activity report provides information on enqueues (higher level Oracle locking) that occur. 
As with other reports, if you see high levels of wait times in these reports, you might dig further 
into the nature of the enqueue and determine the cause of the delays. Here is an example of this report section:
Enqueue Type (Request Reason)

    Requests    Succ Gets Failed Gets       Waits  Wt Time (s) Av Wt Time(ms)
------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ --------------
PS-PX Process Reservation
         386          358          28         116            0            .43
US-Undo Segment
         276          276           0         228            0            .18
          90           90           0          42            0            .71
WF-AWR Flush
          12           12           0           7            0           1.43
MW-MWIN Schedule
           2            2           0           2            0           5.00
TA-Instance Undo
          12           12           0          12            0            .00
           7            7           0           7            0            .00
CF-Controlfile Transaction
       5,737        5,737           0           5            0            .00

Undo Segment Summary

The undo segment summary report provides basic information on the performance of undo tablespaces.

Latch Activity

The latch activity report provides information on Oracle's low level locking mechanism called a 
latch. From this report you can determine if Oracle is suffering from latching problems, and if 
so, which latches are causing the greates amount of contention on the system. Here is a partial 
example of the latch activity report (it is quite long):

                                           Pct    Avg   Wait                 Pct
                                    Get    Get   Slps   Time       NoWait NoWait
Latch Name                     Requests   Miss  /Miss    (s)     Requests   Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
ASM allocation                      122    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
ASM map headers                      60    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
ASM map load waiting lis             11    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
ASM map operation freeli             30    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
ASM map operation hash t         45,056    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
ASM network background l          1,653    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
AWR Alerted Metric Eleme         14,330    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
Consistent RBA                      107    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
FAL request queue                    75    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
FAL subheap alocation                75    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
FIB s.o chain latch                  14    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
FOB s.o list latch                   93    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
JS broadcast add buf lat            826    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A
JS broadcast drop buf la            826    0.0    N/A      0            0    N/A

In this example our database does not seem to be experiencing any major latch problems, as the 
wait times on the latches are 0, and our get miss pct (Pct Get Miss) is 0 also.

There is also a latch sleep breakdown report which provides some additional detail if a latch is 
being constantly moved into the sleep cycle, which can cause additional performance issues.

The latch miss sources report provides a list of latches that encountered sleep conditions. This 
report can be of further assistance when trying to analyze which latches are causing problems 
with your database.

Segments by Logical Reads and Segments by Physical Reads

The segments by logical reads and segments by physical reads reports provide information on the 
database segments (tables, indexes) that are receiving the largest number of logical or physical 
reads. These reports can help you find objects that are "hot" objects in the database. You may 
want to review the objects and determine why they are hot, and if there are any tuning 
opportunities available on those objects (e.g. partitioning), or on SQL accessing those objects. 
For example, if an object is showing up on the physical reads report, it may be that an index 
is needed on that object. Here is an example of the segments by logical reads report:

Segments by Logical Reads               DB/Inst: A109/a1092  Snaps: 2009-2010
-> Total Logical Reads:          72,642
-> Captured Segments account for   96.1% of Total

           Tablespace                      Subobject  Obj.       Logical
Owner         Name    Object Name            Name     Type         Reads  %Total
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SYS        SYSAUX     SYS_IOT_TOP_8813                INDEX       52,192   71.85
SYS        SYSTEM     SMON_SCN_TIME                   TABLE        4,704    6.48
SYS        SYSTEM     I_JOB_NEXT                      INDEX        2,432    3.35
SYS        SYSTEM     OBJ$                            TABLE        1,344    1.85
SYS        SYSTEM     TAB$                            TABLE        1,008    1.39

Additional Reports

Several segment related reports appear providing information on:
•Segments with ITL waits
•Segments with Row lock waits
•Segments with buffer busy waits
•Segments with global cache buffer waits
•Segments with CR Blocks received
•Segments with current blocks received

These reports help provide more detailed information on specific segments that might be 
experiencing performance problems.

The dictionary cache and library cache statistics reports provide performance information 
on the various areas in the data dictionary cache and the library cache.

The process memory summary, SGA memory summary, and the SGA breakdown difference reports 
provide summary information on how memory allocated to the database is allocated amongst 
the various components. Other memory summary reports may occur if you have certain optional 
components installed (such as streams).

The database parameter summary report provides a summary of the setting of all the database 
parameters during the snapshot report. If the database parameters changed during the period 
of the report, then the old and new parameters will appear on the report.

Related: -

1) How to Tune Shared Pool Cache ?

Reference: ToadWorld


  1. really good and informative

  2. This is best article in AWR I have ever read...
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Cool!!! Thanks for this article :)))))

  4. This is excellent Article to understand and how analize AWR report for beginners.
    Thanks for sharing this valuble info to others.


  5. great material for beginners, thank you

  6. Nice post .....very informative........!!!
