[root@ora ~]# yum –y install nfs* [root@ora ~]# vi /etc/exports #(Insert the following entry) /home,sync,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)Client Configuration# options # /home = shared directory. # = Range of the network which nfs will # grant access to. # rw = Read and write access. # ro = Read only access. # sync = synchronize # no_root_squash = enables root access and privilege. # no_all_squash = enables user access.[root@ora ~]# service nfslock restart [root@ora ~]# service nfs restart [root@ora ~]# chkconfig nfslock on [root@ora ~]# chkconfig nfs on
Client side network settings.
[root@delhi ~]# yum –y install nfs* [root@delhi ~]# service nfslock restart [root@delhi ~]# service netfs restart [root@delhi ~]# chkconfig nfslock on [root@delhi ~]# chkconfig netfs on [root@delhi ~]# mount –t nfs /home [root@delhi ~]# df –h
[root@delhi ~]# vi /etc/fstab # insert the following entry in the fstab file /home nfs defaults,_netdev 1 1
[root@delhi ~]# mount -a
hi please add more tutorials your tuts are good
ReplyDeletethis is useful!
ReplyDeletethis is useful!