Before starting make sure that your system has a Static IP Address.
My ip address is as following.
Here is my sample dhcp configuration file.
Meaning of parameters.
ddns-update-style #Means that the DHCP server will not update the dns records of the client.
authortitative #This parameter informs the clients that the values in the DHCP server are legitimate.
option routers #Defines the default gateway.
option subnet-mask #Defines the subnet mask.
option domain-name #Defines the domain name.
option domain-name-servers #Defines the Domain name server.
range dynamic-bootp #Defines the range from which IP addresses can be allocated.
My ip address is as following.
IP- Subnet-
1)yum install –y dhcp # Install the dhcp package. 2)chkconfig dhcpd on # This setting makes sure that service starts on subsequent # system boots. 3)vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf # open the file and insert the following parameters.
Here is my sample dhcp configuration file.
# Global Options ddns-update-style none; authoritative; # Subnet definition subnet netmask { # Parameters for the local subnet option routers; option subnet-mask; option domain-name “”; option domain-name-servers; default-lease-time 21600; max-lease-time 43200; # Client IP range range dynamic-bootp; }
Meaning of parameters.
ddns-update-style #Means that the DHCP server will not update the dns records of the client.
authortitative #This parameter informs the clients that the values in the DHCP server are legitimate.
option routers #Defines the default gateway.
option subnet-mask #Defines the subnet mask.
option domain-name #Defines the domain name.
option domain-name-servers #Defines the Domain name server.
range dynamic-bootp #Defines the range from which IP addresses can be allocated.
4)service dhcpd restart #restart the service.
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