Here is a really cool trick to write protect your usb flash drive.
For this trick to work you must know exactly how much space is available in your usb flash drive in bytes.
You can find that out by going to My Computers and then right click on your pen drive and click on properties.
I have a 1 Gb usb Jet flash drive and here is the free and used space in bytes.
We only need to know free space in bytes.
Now just use the following command in the command prompt and fill up all the space with a dummy file.
fsutil file createnew I:\DummyFile.dat 365600768
Now my pen drive has 0 bytes of space left and viruses won’t be able to get in.
Caution: Don’t use this trick very often as it will shorten the lifespan of your pendrive. It only has a life span of around 1 Million read write operations
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